Afterworld describes a World that has almost been erased and reset by the huge Covid epidemic that changed so many things on the planet. It is a compelling analysis of what happened to the human kind during that time through many explorative themes. The album is illustrâtes bu the sulfurous « What Else do you want to destroy? » that is an open question to the way things unfolded.
The best way to understand is sometimes to compare things. « Alien Planet » leaves us with a new world to inhabit. A new fresh start that could very well enable us to change things. Is that change feasible? The question hase’t been answered yet. « Born Again » develops that feeling of entertawinned chance and luck available to all of us, if only we pay enough attention to it. Is there a connection between « What Else do you want to destroy? » and the Nespresso advertising campain? May be a way to answer that question in other words and attitudes. « Back to the Crowd » is about that moment when we all suddenly became lonely, leaving on our own, generally. It was tempting to « Cet out » and to « Live after dusk ». It esches another song made before, « Live and let Live ». « Joy comes back » in the « Next World ». We needed to « Breath in the Open » and to Live Baby Live « One way or Another ». It relates to another sanitary catastrophey, aids, and all the Young people that we’e lost. I’m thinking of New York the Martyr City of both epidemics. I’d like to see it revived. And Cured. And Free again…