Inner City Dreams
The City is a Matrix. It encompasses all the time all dreams coming from everywhere. The good and the bad ones. All entertwinned without borders or sheer limitations. Astuteness and sillyness are on the same stage trying to turn things into a « positive » change meant for yourself. It is a serie of aspirations, a bunch of dreams and sometimes they are very hard to fulfill. I choosed to illustrate this with the somptuous « WorldWideFame ». A bingo bonanza to all people with psychological problems as Woody Allen puts it!
Alll these dreams are ranging from the « Winning Lottery Ticket » to a « Sportscar Wedding ». The best way to understand is sometimes to compare things. But all of these are alienating sometimes. All of that can drive you mad. So you would like to become an « Instant Star » wouldn’t you? Or to win a « Sheer Friendship » that is hacking so often. Shortages create frustrations. Sex is always there to make a cool of you, « The Grown up game » might be dangerous but it’s not a reason to not have love lires. We dream of « Perfect Love » and of a « Nice Weather Report » at the same time. But things have to be desired to take shape. The « Fashion Show » or the « Football Cup » can be nice venues but in the City everyone will tell you that « Failure »is forbidden. No water please! For all the « Genius of Love » that we crave to become one day. The City is place where you can be free as a Man can be! « Victory » is pending and « The Prize » is the highest award that there is in life! So « Success » is to come if you believe in the promise land. It can be « A well deserved nomination » or a « Rock Concert » with me. I Think there are many ways in which to complète and to fulfill the dreams we have as children when a new kid is in Town!