Matc Power

Marc Power

Marc Power

Dreams is a symbolic drawing. It gradually displays its mysteries after a long reviewing time. Like dreams reinterpreted, it slowly lets itself be deciphered. The hidden meaning of the drawing takes you to a corner of the universe where life and love themselves are intertwinned to their barest degree. Depicting Faces is a way to question Life and envision philosophical interrogations, something about the meaning of existence : a kind of indian divinity in its complex vortex of curbed dimensions, a matrix of graphic combinations where the gaze can suddenly come across an hidden truth. A crowd has gathered within the complex web. They pop out there one after another, answering an hidden agenda where the viewer tend to forget the first-glance aspect of the sketch, the more obvious shapes and lets his spirit fly only to find himself in Africa or in India. Bearing a name... Get to know delicious demons and angels playing along with shapes that they distord and restore the main lines of the perspective and its true meaning... Enjoy the Fare!
Like dreams, these drawings are the many aspects of a unique continuum... A story, a forbidden tale that's good to unveil. The signal is sent. The connection is complete. I choosed my inclination in life which is not to choose. Respond rather than produce. Money is no object. If you're the best in any human field, there are good chances that you are a rich man. I enjoy that symbolic wealth. Being granted the status of a person that can always come up with new ideas and original principes for turning a problem into solutions. I behave as a politician without the politics in order to solve global curses and save the world, he said joking... I'm essentially curious of everything and everyone, insatiable with kings and tramps, expecting both white and black to depict all aspects of reality in millions of colors.

I love to reshape volumes in order to come closer to the viewer's viewpoint and that's why there are many dimensions in my pictures. As in life, where reality is a multiple, diamond-shaped thing depending upon who watches what and who's watched. There's a perception, a dialogue between a visitor and an actor welcoming each other's point of view. There's a sense of a salvaged privacy as well as a decision made to act as an active bearer of the changes that can be defined in that relationship and the benefits for the subjects that matter. In those images, something hidden has become obvious. The feeling that reality, depending on the many way it is perceived, can be unified in one's experience and clear conscience about the future.

L‘Ane qui pleure — The Crying Donkey — is a sarcastic drawing. It does not deliver its secret at first glance either. But it draws a line between the ones who fight and the ones who don't. Between the ones who cry without knowing and the ones who know. Don't cry, Stupid... There's more to life than this... Come over and join us... Come as you are.
The first large black and white drawings appeared back in 1990, while on a trip to France, spending a night at a friend's home who was a painter himself and a wonderful human being : David Miège. I had this dream of a hieratic elephant diviny. I rushed to draw it, first thing, in the morning and it looked pretty much like The Dreams drawing I did long after. Then I started to draw large Black and White Women, Les Femmes Voilées that were exhibited in Paris in 1997... Le Fou du Roi — The King's Fool — has first been a sculpture made in 1992. While working on animation I had the opportunity to create substitutes in White Plasticine. Avon, I was in Avon, in Bristol, England...

Then I simply cloned these sculptures, turning them into black-and-white 3D-sketches that became either more complicated either simplier through evolving shapes that could be portrayed like with plasticine. The Drawings became volume sculptures... It's fun to make 3D volumes within a flat space as a kinda link to a more conceptual world of shapes becoming ideas... This drawing was designed to resume figurative art, cubism, expressionism and impressionism as a whole, ending up with a new genre that could become a beginning itself. One thing that many artists, and especially painters experienced, was the feeling that everything had been tried after such radical statements as Malevitch or Mondrian or Alberts and that the history of art had to come to an end, an unsuppassable expression, in that regard, the History of Art had been achieved. Supposed to be finished. Nothing New could come from the future, or even the time being. Nothing New In The painting Department is a cry against that. Progress is a dangerous idea. It can put you at risk, and kick starting history under that assumption, was kind of a responsability. But it was a glorious privilege to be confronted to that and to find a solution, a range of possibilities for me and may be for others, too... That meant enjoying my newly ascribed freedom, and that meant, not to pay too much attention to the critics at the same time, which was both a curse and a blessing. Then, the experience of openess, permanent interaction in the creative progress resulted in the coming together of other fields, like theater, like cinema, like radio animation and live painting...

There are many other drawings named after "le fou du roi" within my collections. A radio program on the french public radio is actually bearing that name, now... There is no connection between the two, or is there ? My life is made up of coincidences, piled up with real-time mutual recognitions. But sometimes "coincidences make sense". I've learned a lot, listened a lot, being captivated by others. That fueled my way of seeing things althought I like the experience of being hanging around in a totally new direction. Something that has never been tried. The 360° scope of this approch granted extra freedom and sometimes boldness or courage when being rejected for the canny choices that I often made. But I was never alone. Every breath I've taken, every move I've made, has ever been under the scrutiny of my peers and pairs... 

You don't have to speak... I feel...


Marc Power